MASTER Your Kitchen, ENJOY Delicious Plant-Based Meals,
LIVE Healthier Every Day

(Without Bland Recipes, Time-Consuming Meal Prep and Following Unsustainable Diet Trends)


I’m proud to welcome you to this transformative journey

Why Should I Care About


The future isn’t waiting around for us. It’s changing fast, and so are the rules of health

  • The Modern Health System Has Failed Us.

  • Traditional Education is Outdated—It’s Anything But Modern.

  • People Are Taking Control of Their Own Health.

  • The Big Shift Has Already Begun.

In the last few years, we've experienced a collective awakening.

The pandemic showed us that our health isn’t optional—it’s essential.

We reconnected with what truly matters.

But as life returned to “normal,” something didn’t feel right. Maybe you noticed it too.

The busyness crept back in, and with it, the toxic routines that left little time for yourself.

Here’s the truth: Time is a perception. It’s not real, yet it feels like it’s slipping away every day.

My mission is to give you
your time back

to help you use it wisely, to nourish yourself and your family, and to save money in the process.

Sounds like a dream, right?
Well, it’s possible.

I pour my heart and soul into finding a solution, that works no matter how busy you are.

Before I tell you how we are going to do this, let me tell you a story…

I spent most of my childhood at my grandma’s house. From the age of three through my teenage years, her kitchen was my second home—more so than my actual home.

Every morning, my dad would drop my mom and me off before sunrise. I’d grab a bit more sleep, only to be awakened by the familiar smells and sounds of breakfast in the making.

My grandma’s kitchen wasn’t just a place for meals—it was the heart of the house.

Always bustling, life revolved around that kitchen, at least for me.

Lunch was no different. Even busier. Dad, mom, two aunties, and their partners would gather around, making it quite lively.

Who was in charge of the cooking? My grandma, of course. Always making fresh food, from scratch obviously, and with a rotation that I only experienced in restaurants.

When I started working, that’s when I realized how impressive that was!

How did she do it so efficiently with no professional training or culinary education?

To put things in context, she worked as a secretary in a primary school, starting at 7:30am and finishing at 1:30pm with a rough 1-hour commute, every day, six days a week.

Yet, she was always on top of the game with three meals a day for the whole squad - plus all the snacks! OMG, how many snacks!

Could that be just love, dedication, and sense of responsibility for the family?

Sure, but there was more to it—she had a system. A framework.

I once asked her how she managed,

‘It’s the only way,' she said with a touch of Sardinian matriarchal wisdom; 'Otherwise, we'd all starve—who else would cook, your grandfather? Just wait and see!'

Her dramatic flair and unwavering sense of responsibility perfectly captured the essence of her character. I adore her deeply.

That’s when I realized the power of having a system in place.

Later in life, I left home and traveled to Spain, then the UK. I quickly discovered that not every culture held the kitchen as its heart like we did.

But for me, it always has been where stories were shared, where my homework was done, where I would go to find my peace—and always will be.

I am telling you all this because it’s my mission to make the kitchen again a joyful hub of creativity and well-being for you and your family.

Just like my grandma’s kitchen, but on steroids!

You are going to be using the power of all the knowledge, tools and the technology I aquired in the past 15 years of my career.

The WellPact


Your Pathway to Organization and Wellbeing

This isn’t just about meal planning,

it’s about reclaiming
control of your life.

WellPact offers a systematic approach to meal planning, saving you time and stress while ensuring you nourish your body with delicious, balanced meals.

Here’s the thing: Food is foundational. It’s the fuel that drives everything else in your life. When you eat well, you feel more energized, your mood improves, and everything else starts to fall into place.

This system has allowed me to work more, train more, explore new hobbies, and build a life I love. That’s what I want for you too.

But here’s the truth—it wasn’t easy at first. I created this system to smooth the path, to keep you committed without the usual hurdles.

Now, it's your turn to decide what's best for you.

Who Is WellPact For?

Ask yourself if you fall into any of these categories:

  • You don’t understand how to create balanced, nutritious meals that fit your lifestyle.

  • You struggle with finding the time and energy to plan and prepare meals.

  • You’ve started before, but it felt overwhelming and unsustainable.

  • You don’t know how to merge your dietary goals with practical, everyday cooking.

  • You don’t have a system in place for efficient meal planning.

  • You’ve watched endless videos and saved countless recipes, but you still feel lost and unsupported in your journey.

  • You know there are a lot of recipes, but you can’t seem to find ones that are easy, enjoyable, and fit your nutritional needs.

Did any of those resonate with you? (That's exactly why you’re here)

Introducing WellPact


It’s a comprehensive, systems-based approach to wellness.

I created WellPact to help you align your health goals with your everyday life.

Tools, strategies, and insider tips.

Here’s what makes WellPact different:

  • Efficiency: Traditional wellness advice can be overwhelming. It often takes years to see results. WellPact cuts through the noise and gives you excactly what you need.

  • Personalization: At the very least, you’ll develop a personalized meal plan and acquire essential wellness skills that fit seamlessly into your life. At best, you’ll build a sustainable lifestyle , create a wellness routine that supports your goals, and achieve a level of well-being that exceeds your expectations.

    Humans can only focus on so much at once.

    What used to take countless hours of research and trial now takes a fraction of the time.

    I've reverse-engineered what it takes to succeed in personal wellness and made my mission to turn it into a replicable, plug-and-play process that doesn’t restrict individuality or creativity—it enhances it.

Who’s Behind WellPact?


You might be wondering, who am I to be sharing all this with you?

Just someone committed to demystifying the secrets of a holistic lifestyle and making them accessible to you.

I've been through it all.

High-pressure kitchens, restaurant launches, food consultancy, and more.

I’ve specialized in healing diets and tried every approach to health and wellness out there.

Chef, Healing diet coach, content creator. I help people thrive through a plant-based holistic lifestyle.

I’m living my dream life, but I wasn't always sure this was my dream.

12 years ago, I moved to the UK. I could barely speak English, but I could cook—pretty well, if you ask around. Obsessed with the craft, I worked my way up, began consulting for restaurant openings and food startups while working full-time.

In 2016, I helped open the restaurant of the now best chef in the world (three years in a row while I am writing this, August 2024), working as his sous chef, teaming up with my best mate who run as Head Chef! Pretty cool right? It was the most anticipated opening in London!

Despite this success, my life was a mess. Working for someone like that is inspiring but it immerses you so deeply that it takes everything else from you. Crazy hours, unbelievable rhythm. Everything was slipping away.

I stopped training, my health deteriorated, and I was completely out of balance.

At the time, I thought I was “focused”, but I had never been so distracted.

I thought my health wasn’t as great and I was ok with it, but what I didn’t realize is that my partner’s life was at risk.

It all began (to me at least) one night.

Came back home at 1am-ish from a double shift started at 7am. No-stop, long day.

Kissed my girlfriend, said hello to my dogs, showered, and went to bed ready for another double only a few hours later.

At some point, I heard my name in the distance, didn’t know if I was dreaming—opened my eyes, reached to the other side of the bed…

My girlfriend wasn’t there.

Quickly ran into the corridor, and she was there on the floor: my dogs licking her face, trying to wake her up! One of the scariest moments of my life. Terrible, I know.

And listen. I'm not a fan of talking about my private life, if you follow me on social media, you know how I keep my life... private.

But I see the value in telling you this.

Following that night, we obviously went to a doctor, and for the next 2 months, she was misdiagnosed with IBS, then IBD (Crohn’s first and UC after), change a few doctors and a recommended super acclaimed professor prescribed corticosteroids and antidepressants.

She was the happiest person I knew. There had to be a better way.

Turned our backs and we started looking for answers.

Firstly I did a mini-course with the Monash University and studied resources from many experts.

It wasn’t enough!

Hey, I'm Tomaso.

That’s when I went back to school. I dove into studying at the Natural School of Medicine under the mentorship of Bonny Casel, specializing in Healing Diets.

During this time, we tried a few variations of a standard plant-based diet together.

Not a canonical transition. Do not get fooled; there’s never going to be a one-size-fits-all diet.

For her, I structured a 3-phase diet: an initial elimination phase, a reintegration phase with meticulous journaling, and finally, a maintaining diet.

Her symptoms reversed, little ulcers disappeared and healed themselves.

Her success led me to graduate as a healing diet coach and leave my job.

Fair to say my values weren’t aligned any longer with what I was doing.

From there I started working 1:1 with people, and seeing them transform and experiencing my very own transformation has been the most fulfilling experience of my life!

At this point I founded The Fish Out, to continue my food consultancy business on one side and pioneering vegan seafood alternatives on the other —a fancy way to say I was selling Vegan Fish and Chips in the street food markets of London.

I also launched an online course, "How to Reverse Your IBS in 8 Weeks." Under a parallel business I called “the Baobab Tree”! Terrible, terrible name! It didn’t sell as expected. Actually, it failed so badly, selling around 30 protocols, 20 of which were for my family and friends, thank you very much!

But this fuelled my mission to keep creating in the space. New opportunities arose, leading me to open my little restaurant, London's first plant-based pasta bar, "Grazie Dio," and other concepts like “Flavor Addicts” and “The Reckless Vegan Kitchen."

I developed a line of plant-based caviar and published “The Naughty Vegan Cookbook.” During the pandemic, I specialized in Virtual Brands and Dark Kitchen Models, and joined a big corp as Vegan Development Chef first, to become their Head of Food and Innovation after.

Fast forward to November 2022, I started the channel Mensch Chef, where I wanted to merge all the things that I learned during the intensity of the past 15 years!

And why am I telling you this? Because I can fairly say that I have been creating menus, recipes, plans, and working with food in every aspect for half of my life.

Because of my neurodiversity, I deal with overwhelm by recording processes, categorizing, and keeping folders of resources I might never use again! I might…

I am a serial experimenter! And I try everything on myself, that is why I am sure there is nothing like WellPact out there!

It’s this journey and these systems that got me where I am today, feeling this healthy and gifting my family with the life we always desired!

This is too good not to share it with you all!

With the same mission I started, I want to inspire millions of you to embrace this holistic lifestyle through the wellness practices I used.

“Tomaso's inspiring boundle takes you on a transformative journey to a healthier, more delicious plant-based lifestyle. Offering a deep dive into transitioning to a vegan diet, Tomaso expertly guides you in mastering essential meal planning skills and offers an extensive array of tempting vegan recipes to explore as you progress. Whether seeking to add more plant based foods to your diet, or ready to embrace all that a vegan lifestyle offers for health and wellness, this course will set you on the right path.”

Bonny Casel

Founder of School Of Natural Medicine UK

How Will I Implement Everything You Said Above?


The Tools You Will Use

The Vegan Diet Course

Gain only the most useful information that translates into everyday life.

Practical, no-nonsense knowledge that you can apply immediately.

Learn to create a meal plan that aligns with your lifestyle and goals, empowering you to make informed nutritional choices.

The App

Seamless, efficient meal planning at your fingertips.

The app helps you systemize, automate, and stay consistent with your wellness practices, ensuring you achieve your health goals seamlessly.

The Meal Plan

Understand how I structure a plan and use it to stick to your goals.

This plan is designed to align with what you're looking to achieve, providing a solid foundation for your wellness journey.


Within the chat in the App, you have access to my knowledge and expertise where I can answer you directly, not bounded by Instagram posts, and relevant only to your objectives and path. You can join the other WellPact members and share your goals, challenges and wins, creating a community of Mensches never seen before.

None… not even half


Here’s Why…

If you're reading this, I assume you follow me on social media. You know what I stand for. WellPact isn’t an impulse buy; it’s an investment, a commitment. That’s why there are no refunds—no exceptions.


  1. Personal responsibility is key. You need to put in the work. Systemised and easier than ever but If you think you don’t have to cook the meals, think again. They don’t cook themselves, and my private services are very expensive if you want me to cook for you.

  2. It’s a digital product. There’s no way to return it. I am serious about helping those who are serious about change.

I’m confident that WellPact will deliver exactly what I’ve promised.

It’s the system I’ve used to transform my life, and it can do the same for you.

When people implement these systems, I always receive the same feedback: they can't stop sharing how many more things they could do and the changes that happened in their lives. Most of the time, this has nothing to do with cooking!

I said it before and I'll say it again!

Food is just the medium!
But to be truly effective, you need the right tools.

What Exactly Will You Get?


A pact with yourself to Master Health, Time, and Wealth

Much More Than Boring Old' Meal Plans!

The Vegan Nutrition Course

o Practical insights for achieving nutritional independence.

o The Why and How behind Vegan Nutrition.

o Essential ingredient memorisation lists.

o Step-by-step guide to creating your own meal plan.

The WellPact Smart Meal Planning App

o Over 1000 meals in your pocket.

o Monthly exclusive meal plan update

o Smart personalized automated meal plan.

o Smart grocery list

o Add your own recipes

o Create a plan from scratch if you fancy doing so!

o Goal setting

o Exclusive Community Chat Rooms.

o Plus many more features I am working on!

Week Kickstart Meal Plan

o 40 exclusive recipes, (WellPact community ONLY).

o BONUS Printable Recipe cards fully nutritional counted.

o 4 weeks meal plan.

o Shopping list.

WellPact Offer:

  • The WellPact Nutrition Course
    (Value: £75)

  • 4-Weeks Kickstart Meal Plan
    (Value: £150)

  • The WellPact Smart Meal Planning App (Value: £220)

  • Free access to the App and Community
    for the first 30 days.

Total Value = £445

Your Investment Today:
Just £89

Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Get WellPact and start your journey today!

WellPact Bundle


  • WellPact offers a personalized, comprehensive approach to wellness that fits seamlessly into your life—unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, made by Mensch Chef

  • You'll find guidance for special requirements in the course, and you can also instruct the app to create exactly what you need.

  • Nope, everything is included. If you're happy, you'll just need to renew the app subscription in 2 weeks time—it's less than a Netflix sub! :) The Course and The 4 Weeks Meal Plan are downloadable and you have access forever!

  • Reach out through the app, and I’ll guide you through your journey.